
Welcome to the Bunkhouse!

The Bunkhouse

Our eighteen bed bunkhouse is one of our flagship projects, offering rooms from two beds, four beds, up to six beds in our family rooms. Wifi connection is provided, comfortable beds with drawers, and a friendly communal kitchen, fully equipped for those breakfasts to set you up for your day of touring or suppers when you can socialise and compare notes on your visit.

When you get here, there’s a place to dry your boots and hang up your backpack, as well as to park your bike! Bike racks, bike repair stations and ebike charging points are provided at the side entrance.


Booking info

Booking is per person, per night. Our friendly staff and cleaners will be here to welcome you and service your stay. While catering is self-service, you can phone us to book a welcome pack from one of our local shops, which will be here for you on arrival. There is a pub across the road who can provide pre booked breakfasts, hot takeaway dinners or on site dining. Check in is between 3pm and 9pm, checkout by 10am.

On the ground floor, we have a fully accessible family room, while upstairs we have a range of bedrooms and a family room, with peaceful views across the fields. 

The bunkhouse is a new sleek contemporary build, tucked away to the back of the Hall, clad in slate and super-insulated, heated by Air Source Heat Pumps. 

We welcome groups – whether family, youth groups, Duke of Edinburgh, walkers and cyclists – as well as individual travellers visiting the area for work or holidays. 

Hire rates

Per person per night: £35

Book now

bhouse outside

Walk the Whithorn Way

The Whithorn Way is a 149 mile walking and cycling route, which follows the ancient pathways to Whithorn, which were thronged in the Middle Ages, when it became one of the most revered places in medieval Scotland, on account of the healing virtue of its saint, Ninian. The route is a modern take on this earliest form of sustainable travel. Find out more
