The Charity

About our charity

All Roads Lead to Whithorn is a charity which grew out of a filmed community consultation in 2014, which examined community aspirations. Our projects are designed to link Whithorn’s past with its future!

We own and operate the NTH on behalf of the community and we have two affordable energy efficient homes in Whithorn and aim to develop more!

We have seven hard-working volunteer Trustees: Hazel Smith, Kirsty Currie, Julia Muir Watt, Keith McElrea, Christopher Nicholson, Bhupendra Amin and John Wilson. In addition, the New Town Hall is managed by a small but dedicated staff – Lizzie Koronka , Caroline Robbins and Leo Biggins.

Our Registered Charity Number is SC45000 and our Company Number is SC480855. Our current Registered Address is : c/o 55 George Street, Whithorn, Newton Stewart, DG8 8NU.

Support us!

By becoming a member of All Roads Lead to Whithorn charitable trust, you can help the charity move forward and contribute to decisions. We’ll also send you news and updates. All Roads not only operates the NTH, but it also owns and operates affordable housing in Whithorn. Cost of membership is £1 per year and available to all in Whithorn and District. Email us for a membership form!

You may prefer to be hands-on, in which case join us as a volunteer to help us manage the hub!
