Our Biosphere

Our Green Journey, with Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere

The New Town Hall is a proud member of the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere and, as such, we are determined to minimise our environmental impact and cultivate a green community.

One way we help to achieve our eco goals is with our 2022 uplift, now boasting our more eco-friendly air source heat pumps, solar panels and high-quality insulation, to help preserve energy.

In addition, we are currently on a mission to maximise our use of local produce. We currently provide locally sourced milk at the town hall and are planning on introducing cheese, milk, jam and meat from our local providers in breakfast options for our Bunkhouse residents.

This is only the beginning of our journey, and hope to help our environment even more in the future – whether it be through hosting educational events or providing things like bat boxes and bug hotels for our local wildlife.
